Related: Why Star Wars Battlefront 2 is Worth Playing in 2021 These specialist heroes can turn the tide of a match, but there are also some heroes that are a solid choice no matter the situation. Buff-heavy characters like Finn are more conducive to Battlefront 2's Supremacy or Co-Op modes, whereas a fast-moving heavy-hitter like Luke might be better off in a Heroes vs Villains match.

There are a number of different game modes in Battlefront 2, and certain heroes were designed with specific game modes in mind. New villains such as Captain Phasma, Count Dooku, General Grievous, and BB-9E were added to the Separatists, Empire, and First Order factions, while Finn, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and BB-8 were added to the heroes. DICE introduced multiple new heroes to Battlefront II's roster, which meant that the studio had to oversee several rebalances, tweaks, buffs, and nerfs for the entire cast, and by now practically everyone is different than they were at release. EA and DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II features a wide selection of heroes and villains for fans to play, but some are much stronger than others.