3) Close the launcher and open the config. War Thunder is a vehicular combat multiplayer video game developed and published by Gaijin Entertainment.
Here’s a summary: Steps to enable vulkan. Notice: This title runs in both standard and VR modes. War Thunder black screen – This is another frequent problem with War Thunder. This chart shows a view of problem reports submitted in the past 24 hours compared to the typical volume of reports by time of day. File must be at least 160x160px and less than 600圆00px. check override high DPI scaling Behavior. 1945 you can no longer easily change renderers from the launcher but must edit the config. Finally, check Run this program as an administrator. But lowering some details can make a real difference. The default sighting reticle for ground vehicles in War Thunder can be replaced with a custom one, for example if you want to recreate a historical representation of the sight. The aim of the utility is to help simulator pilots by audible warnings as desktop pilots lack the real sense of flight and a physical cockpit environment.
Click on the software link for more information about War Thunder.